This is the latest collection of Chunky Hunks. It features the following flavours:
- Caramel Freddo - Topped with milk chocolate and caramel Freddo - with a Dulce de Leche centre (softened caramel)
- Flake 99 - Decorated like the classic "99" with sprinkles and strawberry sauce and a Flake and stuffed with Flake chunks
- Aero Mint - Topped with an Aero Mint dust and Aero mint bubbles and stuffed with more Aero mint bubbles.
- White Bueno - Topped with white chocolate and chunks of Bueno. Stuffed with white Bueno.
- Marvellous Creations - Topped with milk chocolate, Smarties and chunks of Marvellous Creations bar and stuffed with the Marvellous Creations bar too.